Since 1988

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Drug & Alcohol Abuse Information & Referral Service

Individual, family, and small group counselling is available to people of all ages who are directly or indirectly affected by alcohol and other drug use by calling the 24-hour BC Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral Service.

Lower Mainland: call: 604-660-9382

Toll-free anywhere in British Columbia: call: 1-800-663-1441


Overdose Prevention and Response in B.C.

Drug-related overdoses and deaths have become a very serious concern in the last year in B.C. It can happen to someone you know. Learn more about signs of an overdose, what to do, how to prevent overdoses, resources and answers.


Help is Available! We really are here to listen, here to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, call:

call: 1-800-784-2433 or call: 1-800-SUICIDE


Methadone Clinics - British Columbia

On this page there is also a list of methadone clinics in British Columbia sorted alphabetically by city name.

call: 1-800-755-9603 GET HELP NOW !

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Here's What You Need to Know

The Cannabis Act is designed to better protect the health and safety of Canadians, to keep cannabis out of the hands of youth and to keep profits out of the hands of criminals and organized crime.

To learn more about the Cannabis Act, in effect as of Octorber 17, 2018, and the health effects of cannabis, visit:

or call: 1 800 O-Canada

Get informed about where you can legally buy or use cannabis in British Columbia:

Anger Management


If you would like further information on Moose Anger Management or would like to register for one of our programs please contact us.

call: (604) 723-5134

Receive group start dates, recent articles, podcasts, and other updates.

Email: alistair@angerman.ca


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The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids:

The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research

Released: January 12, 2017

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In one of the most comprehensive studies of recent research on the health effects of recreational and therapeutic cannabis use, a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine offers a rigorous review of relevant scientific research published since 1999. This report summarizes the current state of evidence regarding what is known about the health impacts of cannabis and cannabis-derived products, including effects related to therapeutic uses of cannabis and potential health risks related to certain cancers, diseases, mental health disorders, and injuries. Areas in need of additional research and current barriers to conducting cannabis research are also covered in this comprehensive report.

Source - nationalacademies.org : http://www.nationalacademies.org
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Drug-Impaired Driving

Drug-Impaired Driving detected by law enforcement is increasing

Released: August 25 2022

Source - canada.ca : http://www.canada.ca

some text Evidence. Engagement. Impact.

Key Issues in Drug-Impaired Driving

Policies to reduce the prevalence of Drug-Impaired Driving

Released: August 2019

Source - ccsa.ca : http://www.ccsa.ca

Developing National Indicators for Drug-Impaired Driving in Canada

Practices in Detection, Monitoring and Reduction

Released: January 2020

Source - ccsa.ca : http://www.ccsa.ca

Measuring the Impact of Drug-Impaired Driving: Recommendations for National Indicators

Released: September 2022

Source - ccsa.ca : http://www.ccsa.ca

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Post: | Quitting antidepressants: Lack of medical support drives people online

June 19, 2024 | - "A perceived lack of clinician expertise is driving people to seek online support when coming off antidepressants"

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | ATA Critical of Proposed Federal Downgrade of Marijuana

June 2, 2024 | - "Trade Organization Fears Possible Drug-Testing Implications"

read complete story.... Source - ttnews.com : https://www.ttnews.com
Post: | Tattoos increase your risk of cancer by 21%

May 27, 2024 | - "Having a tattoo increases the risk of developing cancer"

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | Quit-smoking drug helps half of vapers quit, too

May 20, 2024 | - "A quit-smoking drug is effective in helping quit e-cigarettes, too"

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | Drug-Impaired Driving: The Contribution of Emerging and Undertested Drugs

May 16, 2024 | - "emerging novel psychoactive substances, prescription drugs, and traditional drugs of abuse contribute to the increasing prevalence of Drug-Impaired Driving"

read complete story.... Source - nij.ojp.gov : https://www.nij.ojp.gov
Post: | Anti-intoxicant gel keeps alcohol out of the bloodstream

May 14, 2024 | - "ingested before, during or soon after drinking, the gel converts alcohol into harmless acetic acid"

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | 'Uranium and vaping' study raises alarm – but not because of findings

May 1, 2024 | - "All scientists agree, however, that the best health outcome is to avoid e-cigarettes altogether."

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | B.C. moves to ban drug use in public spaces, taking more steps to keep people safe

April 28, 2024 | - "B.C. is taking action to make illicit drug use illegal in all public spaces, including inside hospitals, on transit and in parks."

read complete story.... Source - gov.bc.ca : https://www.gov.bc.ca
Post: | Drug-Impaired Driving

April 10, 2024 | - "Learn the latest research on drug-impaired driving, misconceptions about marijuana use, and what you can do to make smarter choices to drive safely."

read complete story.... Source - nhtsa.gov : https://www.nhtsa.gov
Post: | Prenatal opioid use linked to greater risk of immune-related conditions

Jan 19, 2024 | - "A study found that exposing babies to opioids in the womb can increase their risk of developing childhood immune-related conditions"

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | Study suggests cannabis doesn’t lead to opioid use or help reduce it

Jan 16, 2024 | - "Cannabis does not to lead to opioid use nor does it reduce it, a study has found"

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | Study: Cigarette smoke, even on clothes, can cause cancer in dogs too

Jan 5, 2024 | - "The study authors urge dog owners to not only think of their own health when lighting up"

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | Men should quit alcohol 3 months before starting a family, study suggests

Dec 15, 2023 | - "A study found that the effects of alcohol intake on sperm take longer than initially thought to disappear"

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | A single big night of drinking a week ramps up liver-disease risk by 4x

Dec 15, 2023 | - "A 'feast or famine' approach to drinking alcohol is worse for your health, study shows"

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | Regular ketamine use found to restructure the brain's dopamine system

Dec 5, 2023 | - "A study has found that repeated ketamine use affects specific dopamine-producing structures in the brain differently"

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | Ozempic drug may add addiction treatment to its growing list of uses

Nov 29, 2023 | - "New research found that semaglutide reduced the symptoms of alcohol use disorder"

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | Specific brain regions activated by IV drug use but not oral, study finds

Nov 10, 2023 | - "A study has found that specific regions of the brain are activated after IV drug use, but not after oral use of the same drug"

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | Downing non-alcoholic beverages leads to a drop in excessive drinking

Oct 17, 2023 | - "A study has found that drinking non-alcoholic beverages leads to a reduction in alcohol consumption in excessive drinkers"

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | More evidence connecting BPA exposure to ADHD and autism

Oct 2, 2023 | - "Despite a growing body of evidence detailing wide-ranging health impacts of BPA, its still prevalent in many everyday products"

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | ADHD medication errors in under-20s have increased by almost 300%

Sept 19, 2023 | - "A new study has found a staggering rise in the number of ADHD medication errors among US youth over the last 22 years, most of which occurred at home."

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | Brain chemical affects how women taste alcohol, changes drinking habits

Sept 19, 2023 | - "Researchers have discovered that a chemical in the brain makes alcohol taste bitter to women and may explain the difference in drinking habits between the sexes."

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | Handheld device could soon keep dangerous drugs from going to prison

Sept 19, 2023 | - "In order to smuggle illegal drugs into prisons, people are now soaking materials like paper and fabric in such drugs, letting the materials dry, then passing them along to inmates. A new portable device, however, sees through that ruse."

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | Targeted ultrasound changes brain function & could treat mental illness

Sept 12, 2023 | - "Researchers have found that targeting particular brain regions with ultrasound produces significant, reversible changes"

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | Vaping with or without nicotine freezes frontline immune cells

Sept 11, 2023 | - "A study has found that exposure to e-cigarette vapor, with or without nicotine, hampers the body's frontline immune cells"

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | High levels of dangerous metals found in exclusive marijuana users

Sept 4, 2023 | - "A study has found that people who exclusively use marijuana have high levels of dangerous metals in their blood and urine"

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | Molecular trap that snares many different drugs could save lives during overdoses

Sept 1, 2023 | - "The macrocycle can trap a range of drugs of abuse including opioids, hallucinogens and stimulants thanks to its hydrophobic pocket"

read complete story.... Source - chemistryworld.com : https://www.chemistryworld.com
Post: | Drug-impaired driving in B.C.

Aug 10, 2023 | - "Learn the facts behind drug-impaired driving in B.C."

read complete story.... Source - icbc.com : https://www.icbc.com
Post: | Human antibody proves a potent treatment for opioid overdose

Aug 8, 2023 | - "Researchers have created an antibody that attaches to the opioid fentanyl and its far more potent derivative, carfentanil, and blocks its effects"

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | Gut microbiome discovery could lead to new drug addiction treatments

Aug 4, 2023 | - "A study has found a link between the gut microbiome and cocaine use, including the cravings that come following withdrawal"

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | Placebo proves better than opioids at treating acute back and neck pain

June 29, 2023 | - "While they’re effective at reducing pain, opioids can produce adverse side effects such as dependency, misuse, and overdose."

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com
Post: | ‘Smart drugs’ are not so smart when used by people without ADHD

June 16, 2023 | - "A new study has examined the effect that taking ADHD medication when you dont have ADHD has on cognitive performance"

read complete story.... Source - newatlas.com : https://www.newatlas.com


The Drug & Alcohol Abuse and The Family Manual

is a substantial, well produced, comprehensive guide, serving our communities to educate on the dangers of alcohol and drug misuse and abuse. Filled with the most up to date treatment and prevention information, the manual is a much anticipated, welcomed addition to a wide range of institutions throughout British Columbia & Alberta. The Drug & Alcohol Abuse and The Family Manual is distributed free of charge to Schools, Public Libraries, Hospitals, Community Centres, Community Policing Stations, Correctional Institutions, Doctors offices, Treatment Facilities, etc.

Some of the topics dealt with in the manual include: